20th December 2023
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
- don’t let pride get in your way
- there is some blockage within you that is preventing you from taking a leap of faith. This could be due to past disappointments. You have built a wall around you. But you also need to remember that unless you don’t put yourself out there , how will you know .. don’t be too guarded and fearful. Keep moving forward
- i see a new beginning. Very stable but you have to be open to receiving this. Luck is on your side so you have nothing to worry.
- you still need to work hard but i see a lot of clarity happiness and abundance as your outcome.
- the above messages is applicable in any area of your life (love + career or other aspects)
Taurus ♉️ virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
- it is time to release the burdens you have been carrying- this could be guilt, grief, disappointments, responsibilities. Time to release negativity from your life and start over
- a cycle is coming to an end . Some major event is indicated which feels like life coming to a full circle. This could be relocating to a new place, marriage, birth, going to college or something similar. You are advised to communicate clearly with people around you at this time
- something is changing also in a big way. Maybe there is an ending- of a relationship, change of perspective, sudden information or insight. Whatever this is , it is a bit shocking but the universe is asking you to take immediate action. Don’t hold on to something that is ending. Let go
Aquarius ♒️ libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
- i see relationships with your closest people could be under some strain recently. You are advised to release negativity and reconcile with your loved ones during this time
- there maybe some anxiety, overthinking, sleepless nights. The Universe is urging you to change the pattern. Stop overthinking and do something different to bring a change in your life. Step out of your comfort zone
- you need some structure and discipline in your life. Your emotions are running high and maybe causing overreaction or anxiety in your personal life and career. Take control of your life and emotions and be more grounded and practical. You may also take help of a elder who could guide you through this difficult time
Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
- you are in the best phase of your life. I see offers both in relationships and work coming towards you. Just remember that you are good enough. Don’t doubt yourself
- i see a lot of celebration, meeting friends, socialising. You are asked to not let your past hold you back from putting your self out there . You deserve to celebrate so don’t feel guilty about it. You also deserve to move on in your life so embrace this new beginning
- you are in your peak manifestation energy and whatever you desire will come to you quickly now. A tough cycle comes to an end and a new cycle is beginning for you
19th December 2023
Aries ♈️ leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
Your advice for the next few days
- take a leap of faith when new opportunities come your way
- i see a new beginning in love for singles and you are asked to go with the flow
- a wish is coming true for some of you with regards to a personal/relationship goal but you need to take the necessary action. Sitting in one place waiting for things to happen on its own won’t work
- some of you need to end a situation where there is a lot of fight and conflicts. If you don’t, the Universe will bring an end to it. For some others this is a third party situation in relationships. For others this is some competition or conflict at work that will come to its final conclusion soon
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
Advice for the next few days
- some of you are advised to go on a vacation with your partner or parents (I’m getting “go abroad”) or if you have been thinking of a trip, this is a confirmation that for you to go ahead .
- for some others if your partner or parents live away, you are asked to travel to visit them
- for some, you are asked to bring some new energy and start afresh with regards to a relationship with your spouse or parents
- if you are single, you are advised to get out of your comfort zone because you are about to meet your divine match. Quite possible that this person lives in another country or city or you may meet them when you are travelling
- you have been waiting for a new beginning in career/ finances or love to happen but the universe is saying that you need to take some drastic measures now! Time for waiting is over! You need to act now and not wait anymore
- some new job project or relationship has been moving slowly, you are asked to send a message or reach out to hasten things. You will get a positive response because your luck is changing for the better
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
Your advice for the next few days
- you are asked to be more practical in a love situation. Some of you are also advised to take help of a counsellor for a relationship issue. Don’t worry, things will get better with time
- you are advised to communicate clearly and move forward with regards to a situation in your job or relationship and if you are offered or required to travel for the same, this is a good time for it. You also will find support from your colleagues, friends and the community in everything you do
- something in your life seems to be out of balance. Could be a relationship or maybe you are not giving enough time to your family because of your busy schedule or vice versa. I also see a stagnant energy where you feel nothing can be done in this situation. The Universe is advising clarity in your thoughts and communication and there will be a breakthrough if you can communicate clearly
Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
Your advice for the next few days
- there is some fear that you have based on your past experiences that is making you overly cautious and reserved. I see that you suspect something is amiss in a situation but are too scared to confirm it. The universe is asking you to walk away from it because your suspicions are true.
- there is a change, transformation or ending with a fire sign. You are asked to be careful and do more research or find out more before you move forward. Also you may come across some information that may bring a change in a situation or a relationship
- take a leap of faith towards a new beginning. You are being pushed towards it by the Universe. This new cycle is bringing a lot of big changes and good times but you need to move forward and not stay stuck
18th December 2023
This week for Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
- some communication could be coming in from a person/ partner who you recently had a falling out with. This could also be a friend or a family member who is a parent and have children/child
- they are going to offer you something but you don’t seem interested. You are looking at ending this relationship/ situation and moving forward
- you are leaving a difficult energy behind and moving towards stability. I also see you not putting any energy towards the past because you feel betrayed by this person.
This week for Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
- you are closing out old cycles. A new beginning is here
- you can expect a lot of celebrations this week or till the end of the month even. If not celebration, you are just having a good time
- some of you have had a difficult time in the past week or months . You are healing past emotional and physical wounds .
- something you have been secretly wishing for is about to come true
- you maybe confused about having multiple choices but keep moving forward. I see success and travel for you from now till the end of the month
This week for Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
- i see a sudden information or a minor issue in a relationship. Be careful of what you say or the action you take. Try to not do or say anything on a impulse. You could hurt someone’s feelings. If someone is being harsh towards you, be firm but try not to aggravate the situation
- i see a lot of abundance in finances. You have been waiting for some return on investment or for some bonus / increment/ promotion etc. it is coming. You may also be purchasing a luxury item soon
- again I want to warn you about conflicts with your partner or in a close relationship like a parent or a sibling. There is a bit of a difference of opinion or falling out because of a imbalance in a relationship. You may feel that your partner is not giving you time or this could be about contributing financially with a sibling or you may feel your parent is being unfair towards you.. these are just examples. Be patient and have firm boundaries but don’t escalate
This week for Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
- financially a good time . You may be tempted to over spend for things you don’t need. Be careful of your money
- a lot of eyes are on you. If you are single, you will have a lot of people interested in you
- i see some new offer or communication coming in either in work or relationship but you may not be so keen. The universe is asking you to not miss out on this opportunity. This could surprise you .
- a secret relationship may come to an end because of some challenges. If not a secret relationship it is something new that you started or took a leap of faith towards but there is a ending or a change that you are trying to fight against
16th December 2023
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
- time to take a very practical approach with regards to your important decisions
- some of you are advised to consult a lawyer or counsellor for expert advice on a situation
- a promotion on the cards for some
- love and relationships look intense
- end of a difficult time especially with your personal life. New beginnings on the horizon for both love and career
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
• lot of money pouring in
• stability in family matters
• winning a lottery? Stock market boom, getting a bonus, money through inheritance
• make sure you are not overcommitting to multiple things at the same time.
• don’t overspend
• good time to do some charity
• lot of abundance in your life
• financial independence
• enjoying all the attention from opp gender
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
- Good luck and good fortune . Your time is changing for the better
- you need to go with the flow. Stop micromanaging your life
- money may be a bit tight at the moment. You need to save money now
- a lot of good things are on its way so be positive . Your rewards are almost here. Whatever you are waiting for, is coming
Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
- you may have multiple options and maybe confused about your choice
- if married or in a relationship , be wary of temptations
- if you are confused about something, wait for clarity. You will get a clear answer to your problem soon
- i see clarity in thought and communication.
- a breakthrough in a stagnant situation
- new opportunities
- success, forward movement and travel
15th December 2023
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
Some of you are feeling stuck or blocked in your relationship or career. No matter what you do something seems to be blocking your progress and you are finding it difficult to figure out what this could be. There is a feeling of helplessness, confusion too in your mind. The universe is asking you to ask for help from those around you. There is help if you ask for it. Also forgive people for the past mistakes. That will also help you move forward
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
There is a choice that is keeping you stuck. You are not sure what path to choose. You are trying to balance between emotional and a practical decision but unable to do so because you are not seeing clearly. This is causing a bit of low energy despite the fact that everything around you is actually looking up for you. This lack of clarity is making you a bit unsure and nervous. The universe is saying that there are two options- you compromise or you need to stand up for yourself be assertive. What are you being called to do? You need to listen to your intuition for this one
Aquarius ♒️ libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
There is a imbalance when it comes to a relationship. This could be a new romantic situation or a child that you are dealing with. Either you are not able to give them enough time or there is too much that you are doing and this is causing an imbalance. For some, i see that there are some underlying issues between the both of you which needs to be solved and healed. Whatever this maybe, take action now! Don’t delay or ignore this … take necessary action to protect this relationship
Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
I see you being in a very practical mindset. You are clear and have set or are setting clear boundaries! Good for you! I see you feeling happy and free and abundant. Some of you may have cut some people off from your life and you don’t regret it because you know you did what was right for you.The universe is saying there is something better coming your way. Continue to be assertive about your boundaries
14th December 2023
Aries ♈️ leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
Something new is coming your way (in love or career) . Whatever this maybe it may just start with something small at first and then go on to become something more abundant later. The universe says a year from now is when you can expect this to grow and become more abundant and serious
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
Someone is going to be messaging you very soon. For some of you this may seem too good, too sweet, too romantic (can be a love or career message). The universe is asking you to listen to your intuition and get more information before moving forward with anything at all
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini
Looks like there is something on your mind and you are unable to let go of this. You could also be feeling stuck mentally energetically or emotionally . The universe is asking you to not keep things within and communicate clearly about what you are going through. Maybe that will give you a different perspective or someone could help you come out of this stagnant energy. If you have a issue with someone which has caused a stagnation in a relationship, you are asked to talk it out instead of keeping it to yourself
Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
A lot of good things coming towards you, a lot of celebration. Some of you are meeting your soulmate, buying a house, getting married, meeting friends or family, celebrating a career success.. the universe is saying No need to worry because some of you are still scared that this is all a mirage . It is not! Good times are here! Celebrate it
13th December 2023
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
There is a decision or a choice that you could be making soon. This is something you are clear about and you know what direction you should choose. However the universe is asking you to get more information. I see abundance and success and happiness ahead for you. Leo ♌️ and cancer ♋️ are significant signs for you
Taurus ♉️ virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
I see a message or an offer coming in from someone you love or may even be a little bit obsessed about. This could also be vice versa where this person is a bit obsessed with you. I see this could also be a job / financial offer coming from a distance. I see romance in the air and abundance coming in, if this is a financial offer. Capricorn ♑️ and Aries ♈️ are going to be significant signs for you
Aquarius ♒️ libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
I see you focusing on your family and stability. Someone close to you ( a mother figure) or a virgo is of significance in the next few days. I see you making a judgment call either on your relationship with this person or job or with regards to the health of this person or this could also be a decision about your health. Whatever this decision is, the Universe says you are ready. Virgo ♍️ sign is significant for you
Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
I see a energy of a relationship being almost perfect. This could be a relationship with a partner, friend, family, a child or a new romantic relationship . There is a energy of a bit of lack of trust. You may feel that everything is almost perfect and still you feel this person is not giving you equal attention. I also see some gossip among friends about this person or you feeling insecure because of what others are telling you. You may doubt if there is someone else in the picture in your partners life but the universe is asking you to trust and not overthink this .
12th December 2023
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
There is some big change or changes happening in your life or around you. These changes could be drastic and sudden. You may feel like something is coming to an end ( a relationship, a project, a job ) but here is the twist. The Universe is asking you to hold on for a bit because there are some big happy changes coming towards you. So chin up and stay positive
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
There is a a person around you who you are asked to let go of. If not the person, it could be the universe asking you to let go of the overflowing emotions and the issues connected with this person. There maybe some action you are planning to take for or against this person, the universe is strongly asking you to reconsider.
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
I see a lot of clarity coming towards you about a situation or a person. I also see a lot of abundance and happiness. This change may not happen overnight so be patient but there is something very positive for you in the near future
Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
I see some of you withdrawing from a situation or a person emotionally or this could be you holding on to your money because you feel you don’t have enough money and you need to save. The universe is actually assuring you that this is a temporary situation. Don’t stop putting in the effort. Continue with your efforts and do what you always do. This situation will improve, so don’t worry
11th December 2023
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
You need to be careful about your plans and choices that you make during mercury retrograde. I see some decisions that are influenced by someone else who is trying to influence you in a not so good way. There maybe people trying to get some benefits for themselves by trying to influence your choices. Be careful and make sure that whatever you decide is your own independent thinking. This person could be a virgo ♍️ or someone who is a mother or seems very nurturing but has selfish intentions. They are dominating and only thinking about themselves. They are trying to keep you stuck in some way but you need to know that the choice and decision of how to move forward is completely yours. Just don’t be blinded by what is being told to you. Make your own assessment and choices
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
For you i see someone from your past coming back. This person is someone you have had a difficult relationship with. I see gossip, unhealthy competition, petty fights, immaturity. You may have walked away many times because you don’t want to get dragged into their negative sphere but somehow you always end up back at the same place with them. You need to make a better choice for yourself and stick to that decision. You are not selfish in wanting to protect your mental health and energy. This person could be a friend, family, colleague or a partner
Aquarius ♒️ libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
I see some one around you who you you care about (possible Scorpio ♏️) . You are either in a no contact situation with them or there is a health issue that you both have been dealing with. I see some blocks that are keeping you stuck in the same situation. It is like you are trying to find solutions so that you can move forward but feel blocked in every way. There is also an energy of feeling like you want to walk away because the situation maybe a bit overwhelming but you are asked to go with the flow. Give this time, things will get better soon.
Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
I see a fire sign Aries ♈️ leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️ in your energy who is coming towards you with a offer or a proposal (work or relationship) but you are going against your intuition when it comes to this person. You maybe ignoring your inner voice, feeling a bit negative probably. But i see good things coming towards you. Just be patient and don’t take action at this time because you will regret it later. Good news is money is going to pour in for you and there is a new beginning in your personal relationship or love. For some of you, this love is one sided or there is some imbalance (possible libra)
9th December 2023
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
An important decision will be stressing you out a bit. There is some anxiety regarding choosing the right path. Some of you are thinking or obsessing about some one from the past or about a situation that happened in the past. For some of you, there is a mother figure who you may have a toxic relationship with and a situation in your present may trigger you and force you to look back at your childhood unresolved issues if any. I see a lot of nostalgic energy. Someone from your past could be coming back. Please remember we are in the shadow period of mercury retrograde so past people coming back is not unusual during this time. This is a good time to reflect on your past issues and find closure to situations
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn
You could be receiving a offer, or a apology from someone you work with or someone you know personally. For some others, there is a person in your life who may have suddenly distanced themselves from you and this person is now coming to apologise for their behaviour. I see some challenges you may face in terms of finances or an imbalance in your energy or effort needs balancing. For eg you could be spending a lot of money on one thing and ignoring the other or putting a lot of effort towards work and ignoring your relationships. Try to balance your energy. Good times are rolling in so whatever challenges you maybe facing, it is temporary.
Aquarius ♒️ libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
You are manifesting a lot of things in your life at this time so stay positive and keep manifesting. I also see a lot of jealousy around you because it seems like you are getting it all! Money, love, luck… everything is just going right in your life and not everyone can digest it. So protect your energy. Don’t have to tell everyone everything about your life. Also chant a prayer for protection. If you do not know any prayer, you can just ask the universe to protect you against any negative energies
Water 💧 signs Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
Get ready to celebrate. The universe is blessing you with abundance. Especially with money. I see a lot of bulk money or bonus or some inheritance coming your way. There is success recognition in everything you do. I also see a fire sign Aries ♈️ leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️ rushing towards you with a message or some offer or communication. For some of you this may seem a bit blunt abrupt, could also be a fight. You feel heartbroken because of this . There is a ending and a new beginning with regards to this situation
8th December 2023
Aries ♈️ leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
You are closing out old cycles where money was difficult to come by. you may have had to always spend carefully because money was not easy to come by. Emotionally also you were probably reserved and not comfortable opening up or being vulnerable. Those days are over. This new cycle is bringing an abundance in money, stability in family life and relationships. You are blessed for your patience in the past and now it is time for you to sit back and enjoy the fruits of your efforts
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
There is some one caring and loving around you who wants to or is willing you to help you out with your issues, if any. This person is someone you are close to- a friend, family, partner or a close colleague. Could also be a Scorpio ♏️. You are in a powerful manifestation energy and your manifestations are coming true in the next few days. Be careful of not being selfish about your own needs . Try to not be focused only on yourself. Success is important but not at the cost of close relationships. I see blockages for you caused due to your self serving behaviour.
Aquarius ♒️ libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
I see a relationship growing and blooming for you. For some others, if you have had a ending of some kind, there is a new beginning coming. You will be charging forward in life, travelling, making quick decisions. Be careful of not making haste. Speak carefully. Think before you speak and drive slowly. Don’t be in a rush. Don’t make sudden decisions without thinking things through carefully either.
Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
You are swimming between moving on from someone/ some situation to not being able to move on and coming back to the same person/ situation. You want to let go but after a while you feel like you can’t. This is because you have been in a energy of illusions and now you are slowly waking up to reality. You are or will get a reality check if you continue to be in denial about something. You are probably feeling so stuck and stagnant in a situation that you think there is no other way. This is a decision you need to take on your own. You are not stuck. It is just a matter of making a decision and sticking with it
7th December 2023
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius: there are some challenges and blockages in your personal life or career. I see you fighting hard to support what you believe in. There might also be opposition for what you do from family friends or colleagues but you are asked to stand firm in what you believe. Don’t let others run you down. The hard work and effort you put now is going to reap rewards very soon so keep doing whatever it is that you are doing
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
Your life is going to pick up pace. Busy times are ahead of you. I see a lot of travel and success and forward movement . I also see you making important decision about your life. Lot of financial abundance is surrounding you. I see a lot of single energy so either you are single or focused on your career and not focusing much on your relationships in the coming few days
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
Be mindful of your expenses. There might be some expenses that may make you feel like a loss. There is some ending and a feeling of betrayal. So also be careful of lending money to others. You may feel betrayed by someone financially or emotionally. Also be careful of your back. You may feel a lack of energy. In relationships, there is a feeling of being taken for granted by loved ones or a feeling of rejection. Be patient and try not to be in a negative mindspace. You will get through this phase soon
Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
Something is being renewed in your life or there is a new beginning in either love or career. Someone is messaging or offering you something small in a job or a relationship . This situation had previously come to a halt or you had taken a break from someone or something but there is a renewal that i see
6th December 2023
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️- the good things coming towards you
- a new opportunity, or a message from someone special, this could also be a work opportunity that you are excited about
- abundance in money, bonus at work , stability in family and relationships, inheritance, winning a lottery
- busy time at work
- a new relationship that is headed towards a serious commitment. You maybe meeting the family soon and there maybe talks of a wedding.
- if you are getting into a new project or job, it is going to be very hectic but will also bring you a lot of money.
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
The good things coming towards you
- healing from health issues
- wishes coming true
- a deep love relationship- either a new relationship or deepening of a existing one
- a celebration , going out with friends or family and having a good time
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
The good things coming towards you:
- being strong in challenging situations. You will also have the inner strength to take bold decisions and take action
- healing from the past and letting go of it
- getting a different perspective on things which is helping you to move forward
- you have been waiting for something for quite some time now and it is coming. You have been patient for so long, it is a matter of time and you will receive all the blessings for everything you’ve worked for
Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️ good things coming towards you
- someones real face is going to be exposed to you. There is some toxic behaviour or a situation that you were blind to but this will be clear to you soon
- you will try to help this individual or you are getting them help through others
- this person will heal and so will this situation or relationship.
- balance being restored in your life
- this person could be Aries ♈️ leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
5th December 2023
Aries ♈️ : meditation will help you this time. Especially if you are feeling stuck, you will get answers through meditation and it will help you to get grounded
Leo ♌️ Big happy changes are coming your way. Get ready!
Sagittarius ♐️ : if you are wondering if you are ready for all the new beginnings and opportunities coming towards you in personal or career, the universe is assuring you that you are ready. Just go ahead and don’t think twice
Taurus ♉️: if you are wondering when some changes are going to occur in your life, the universe says it is happening in the near future. Get ready!
Virgo ♍️: you are asked to reconsider a decision or a important choice that you have recently made
Capricorn ♑️ there is something you are settling for. You know that you are just compromising. The universe says there is something better out there for you. I know you are tired of waiting but you shouldn’t compromise and settle for lesser than what you deserve
Aquarius ♒️: your intuition is very strong now. Don’t ignore it. Your intuition is trying to tell you something. Listen
Libra ♎️: there is something that is keeping you from getting forward. A part of it is not your fault but some part of it is your stubbornness to change. You are asked to compromise and move on
Gemini ♊️ if you have had a question in mind. The answer is NO
Pisces ♓️: focus on your health and recovery. Health could be emotional and physical. If you have had some disappointments, you need to give it time to heal . You will feel better soon
Cancer ♋️: there is an opportunity coming towards you soon. Get ready
Scorpio ♏️: take action and don’t procrastinate! You need to take action now!
4th December 2023
Weekly tarot message for Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
You may feel a bit stagnant or energetically stuck in some ways. You feel you are unable to make a decision but that’s just your perception. Once you make a choice and take action there is balance coming in your life. The Universe is also supporting you and will reward you with success in whatever you decide as long as you are being fair and honest. Karmic balance and justice is yours so don’t fear and move forward. You could be dealing with a Libra ♎️ this week or maybe you have libra placements in your chart .
Weekly tarot message for Earth 🌍 signs Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
There is something you are running away from or trying to escape. For some there is a energy of self sabotaging behaviour on your end. Either you are running away from some truth or are just trying to avoid a confrontation or a truth so that you can escape a ending. The thing is , you cannot fool the Universe. There is a change or an ending coming no matter what you do or don’t do. The only choice you have is to work on yourself and instead of running away, you can accept and prepare yourself to embrace this change. This change is not as bad as you think. So it is best for you to adapt rather than avoid. You could be dealing with a Scorpio ♏️ this week
Weekly tarot message for Air signs Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
You could be very busy this week with work or working on something else maybe (a personal project) but make sure that your boss or the people you work for are not dumping all the work on you. You need to draw a line if you feel they are taking advantage of your “feeling responsible” nature. Just because you are willing to work doesn’t mean you are always open to working more than what is required. If this is family members putting additional responsibilities on you, or work related, it is time you have a straight talk with them and let them know what is acceptable and what is not. On the personal front, there maybe some communication from someone that may seem a bit harsh or rude but don’t immediately react. It may just make things worse. Try to see where this is coming from and respond after carefully thinking about what you’re going to say
Weekly tarot message for water signs Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
Finally after many weeks of difficult energies, you are going towards a energy of balance and healing from the past disappointments. If your life or relationships or work felt very unstable, there is balance and a celebration coming by the end of the week. I also see that if you have been separated or distant from someone you love, there is a happy reconciliation. You could be dealing with a Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️ or a virgo ♍️
2nd December 2023
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
- you could be travelling this weekend or maybe in the immediate week
- lot of passionate energy and you may feel very excited and adventurous this weekend
- romance and romantic relationship will go well . You will spend some quality time with family friends or a loved one.
- some of you may probably travel with your partner
- money looks good too. I see a lot of abundance and stability in finances
- singles could meet a potential long term partner while you are travelling
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
- if you have been feeling stuck stagnant mentally or energetically, it is only in your head. You are not really stuck.
- You just need to take immediate action towards someone or in a situation.
- someone in your energy (possible Aries ♈️) is very toxic. This person could be older than you, influential, a boss maybe, your partner or a friend or elderly family member. You need to see the red flags here and take action to protect yourself from them
Aquarius ♒️ libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
- a new opportunity, a new beginning either in work or relationship is coming towards you.
- if you have met someone special, you are probably wanting to take a leap of faith towards this person and ask them out or they are asking you out
- if a work opportunity is coming towards you, take a leap of faith but don’t be too reckless
- singles may find someone very attractive but this seems like a casual relationship as of now
- there are many opportunities in both work and romance, choose wisely.
- in a particular case if you feel something is not working out, you are asked to choose a new direction
Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
- if you are feeling stuck or stagnant with regards to a decision it is because you are not seeing something clearly. Wait until you get clarity (especially true if you are a Cancerian)
- and you will get clarity in the future so hang in there
- i see some secrets coming out , either yours or someone else’s. This doesn’t mean it is something scandalous, could be a small thing but there are some revelations
- you are going towards abundance and happiness and sunshine
- someone is going to take action towards you soon or vice versa
- everything is happening in your life at the perfect time so be patient . If there are delays, it is for a reason and you will get it at the right time
1st December 2023
December monthly tarot reading : Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
Your overall energy is that of getting in touch with your inner child, going back to things or people from the past, reminiscing about old times. reconciliation with someone from your past.
Your challenge is: i see a separation or emotional distance from someone you love, could be your partner friend or family member. There are hidden feelings and you may feel there are secrets between you and someone.
Your advice is to heal from whatever this situation is. A little distance between you and someone may give you some perspective about the future of this relationship. Use this time to heal and prioritise yourself for a change, maybe go on a vacation or go to a health retreat and come back with a fresh energy to deal with the problems. Significant signs Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
Monthly tarot reading for December 2023 : Taurus ♉️ virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
Your overall energy is that of conflict. You may feel some internal conflict about a decision or may be having some fights with people around you. There also could be some competition at work or a third party situation in relationships.
Your challenge is to bring love into a situation. Romance and romantic partnership may be a bit challenging this month
Your advice is to be very open clear and direct with your thoughts and communication. Don’t hold back anything. The more clear you are the lesser the conflicts in your life. If this is about some confusion in your mind, you will find a solution and don’t make any decision when you are confused
Monthly tarot reading for December 2023 : Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
Your overall energy is that of some small stress and irritation here and there. This could be because of someone’s behaviour or some immaturity. Most of the times you will walk away from this situation but there maybe some gossip about you which you may not be able to control.
Your challenge is a woman/ feminine energy who is probably a fire sign Aries ♈️ leo ♌️ Sagittarius. This person could be very dominating and passionate but there is some underlying issues between you and this person.
Your advice is to move forward irrespective of your surroundings. You will have a month full of choices but choose you and move forward towards your dreams. Don’t let anyone or anything block you
Monthly tarot reading for December 2023: Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
Your overall energy is that of balance, stability, karmic justice and some victory in a legal situation.
Your challenge is someone around you who is very toxic. This person could be very manipulative or codependent. This could also be your own obsession with things that you are not able to let go of. Your challenge could also be a Capricorn person. Be aware of your own self sabotaging behaviour.
Your advice is to listen to your intuition and your inner voice when you feel conflicted.
This month is going to have big changes for the water signs
30th November 2023
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius
you will have a lot on your plate. For some there is a choice between 2 people or projects. Be strategic about your choice. Think carefully and plan and make a decision. There is a stable new beginning or opportunity coming in for you (either job wise business wise or relationship wise)
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
A new beginning is coming in for you. This could be creative and passionate (work or relationship) . If you have faced disappointments, heartbreak or broke up with someone recently or in the past, this new beginning is going to be help you heal from your past disappointments. A lot of stability in relationships and celebrations in work is coming your way. You could be buying a new house or moving into a new house soon. If not, you can start looking for a new house and you will get positive results
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
If there was a situation that was very conflicting and full of drama and fights, you are going to find a solution soon. Communication is key. Be clear and direct to solve any issues. Anyway you will get a breakthrough soon. Work wise you maybe starting a new job or collaborating with new people. Be careful and do proper research before saying yes to avoid surprises. I see some kind of feelings of betrayal by a taurus, strong virgo or Capricorn person. But it will get better and you will heal from this. If not these signs, this could be someone who has a child or children
Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
If you have been feeling stagnant or like something in your life is just not moving forward, you need a change of perspective to change the outcome. Once you do this, i see a new offer or a beginning in love or career. This is a small offer but don’t hesitate to take it because it is very stable and in the long term it will be very abundant and will make you happy. You keep waiting for something better in career or maybe you are waiting for a certain person to come towards you. Don’t do that. Don’t wait for anything or anyone beyond a reasonable point of time. Whoever you are waiting for or whatever it may be, it is coming at the right time but in the meantime just take every opportunity coming towards you in the present moment.
29th November 2023
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
You will be very busy in the coming days. You will be literally juggling multiple things. Just be careful not to overcommit . You maybe tempted to because you feel like you are missing out on opportunities. Just remember that you will never “miss out” on anything that is meant to be in your life. In personal life, you may be too busy with work and not have enough time with family and loved ones. Try to balance your life time and energy. Avoid feeling guilty about things that are in the past and not in your control. Focus on what you can do to make up for the lost time with your loved ones
Taurus ♉️ virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
There is some big changes that have either occurred in your life recently or is happening in the immediate future. You are making some big changes and closing out old cycles and starting new cycle. It is like you are living a new kind of life.. the kind of life or lifestyle you had in the past is no longer the same. For some there is a ending in a relationship and a new beginning or a reconciliation with someone from your past. Show some love towards yourself and be kind to yourself and others while you go through these shifts
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
You are going through some challenges or feel blocked by people or situations. Keep fighting. Stand firm on what you believe in and you will get through this in the end. Don’t give up. You are advised to be clear firm and decisive. You need to have firm boundaries. I especially see a lot of criticism for what you are doing or finger pointing. Just tell them off firmly and politely and don’t let anyone tell you how to live your life or dominate over you. Make your voice heard
Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
Some of you could be spending some quality time with your mother or wife or a feminine energy who is very nurturing and motherly. If this is a romantic situation, i see a new beginning in love. This person could be older than you and maybe a single mom. For others , you may have a crush on someone and you may get to know this week that they like you back. For some others you could be spending time with your child or children. I also see some of you are healing old family issues and mending important relationships .
28th November 2023
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
Someone or some offer is coming towards you but it is going to take some time. Whatever this is , it is stable and a serious offer or if it is a person, they want to make sure they put in all the effort to show you how serious they are about you. So hang in there. The universe is confirming that it is coming but slowly. For some others, this is your energy where things maybe moving slowly in your life . You could be putting in a lot of effort and working hard but progress seems slow. Don’t worry about the pace. Just keep doing what you are doing because you are on the right path.
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
Someone is coming towards you with a lot of passion. In a romantic situation this is a charismatic individual who is coming towards you with some offer. In career it is someone who is a charismatic leader who is a go getter and has a offer for you. Whatever this offer maybe,it is bringing a lot of good things in your life . You should however take your time to make a decision but don’t be too stingy with your feelings or don’t keep someone waiting for too long. This should happen within the next few weeks or you will make a decision probably within the next few weeks. This person coming towards you could be a Aries Leo Sagittarius
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
There is a person around you with whom you could be facing some challenges. This person could be a feminine energy, a mother or has kids . This person could be a family member or friend or a colleague or a boss. You could be feeling that this person is not stable and a bit selfish in their behaviour. You have been trying to deal with them for a long time and felt restricted by them in some ways. Not anymore! You are breaking free from a stagnation and taking action to break away from this persons “rules” . If you are not, you need to do it for yourself. You are asked to stand up for yourself and be more assertive.. This person could be a taurus virgo Capricorn
Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
some of you have been facing a lot of blockages and hurdles in life or a particular situation or a relationship. Every time you want to move forward you find yourself stuck. For some there is a communication breakdown with someone. You could also be feeling blocked in your career. The problem is your lack of boundaries in work and relationships. You want to please everyone but at what cost? Your intuition has been trying to tell you that something needs to end or put to rest but you need to listen to your intuition and also not turn a blind eye to everything around you. Be firm and polite but stand up and voice your opinions otherwise you will not get that respect you are seeking. Be assertive and listen to your intuition
27th November 2023
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️: this week for you:
You are releasing past burdens and ending a difficult cycle. You may have been carrying the burden, guilt, responsibility of a situation, person for too long and the universe is asking you to let go of the baggage. A new cycle is beginning for you and also bringing a new stable beginning or offer. This could be financial or a relationship. So get ready to embrace this blessing.
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️: this week for you:
There is a energy of pause in your life. You took some time to heal from something or let go of something and during this time, things may have slowed down around you. It is now ready to completely let go of the past, surrender and start over. A new passionate beginning is here . Get ready!
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️ : This week for you:
This is a excellent week for you in every way . I see a good week for relationships. If you are single, you could be meeting someone special. It will feel like a soulmate connection. For those who are partnered, you will spend quality time with your spouse. This is also applicable for friends, or other family relationships. Your luck is changing and lot of abundance and good luck is coming towards you. Enjoy!
Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️ This week for you: i see a lot of passion in everything you do, this could be in work or relationships. I also see a offer from a fire sign Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️. If this is a romantic situation, i see love blossoming. Some of you could also be thinking of buying a new house or maybe moving into a new house this week. For some others, you could be getting married, deciding on a wedding date or attending a marriage ceremony of some one close
No readings today being Sunday but if you wish to book a personal reading session, please message on this website for details. I am also
25th November 2023
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️ ( weekend messages)
You are either getting some news or communication from someone. For some , you have been trying to find out more or were trying do some research on something or someone and you are getting clarity on it . Some of you may be getting an offer or help or a loan from a person. For some others you could be finding out something about a romantic partner.
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️ (weekend messages)
A small offer, message is coming towards you. This new beginning is stable and has a lot of potential to grow in the future if you work towards it. This could be financial or love. you have been feeling a bit of a financial pinch lately or in relationships you have been feeling ignored. The universe is asking you to trust divine timing. A new beginning is coming. So have faith and think positive
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️ (weekend messages)
You have been waiting for something for quite some time now. This could be a call , a message, a financial offer. Whatever you have been waiting for it is almost here . There is a passionate new beginning (career or love) but when this happens, i see you being a bit scared. You are secretly worried about this new beginning because you have been disappointed in the past and are looking from a sense of doubt. It is ok to be careful but don’t let your fears block you. For some others, you feel this offer is not trustworthy because of some secrets or you feel this person is hiding things from you, in which case do your due diligence
Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️ (weekend messages)
You are thinking of walking away or already walked away from a person or situation (career or relationship) . You are now focusing on your healing. I see that by walking away you have infact brought balance in your energy and karma is on your side. You are supported by the Universe. Some of you could be leaving a job and moving on towards something new . This new beginning could also be in another city state country or may involve travel. Whatever this situation is, you are going towards calmer waters. For some i see a divorce and healing from it, finding closure. You are going towards a lot of abundance clarity happiness in the future. You are moving forward and travelling. I see some communication coming in which is going to make you very happy
24th November 2023
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
What you need to be grateful for is that the opportunities however small or big that is coming towards you. I see a stable new beginning or a offer being made. This may seem small for now but has a potential for stability and abundance in the future if you put your efforts towards it. So say thank you for every little beginning
What you need to release is this mentality of waiting for something better or bigger. This waiting energy is making you feel dissatisfied with what you have in the present moment. Rather, take the opportunities that are being offered and take action. You have waited long enough
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
What you need to embrace is the balance coming in your life. Life is always fair. Even if it is not at the moment, in the larger scheme of things you will realise that whatever is happening is for your own good. So trust your path. Karma never misses anything so if you are doing right, karma will always be on your side. For some of you there is a court judgment that you need to accept
What you need to release is past cycles. Something in your life has come to an end, literally or metaphorically. Release the old cycles and embrace the new. I especially see big changes for some in your family relationships or love partnership
Aquarius ♒️ libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
You are asked to be grateful for this time you have to reflect on recent events. Some of you have been waiting for or planning for something. This wait may seem frustrating because you want to achieve your goals quickly but this waiting is a blessing in disguise. Take this time to plan strategies and be patient especially with your career or family legacy or inheritance matters.
What you need to release is this push and pull energy within you. A part of you wants clarity and a solution to a problem but another part of you wants to delay it or are blocking a final decision in this matter. There seems to be an ending that seems inevitable. You can delay it but what is meant to happen will happen, no point resisting it. Allow endings so that you can heal and go towards new beginnings
Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
You need to be grateful for something that you walked away from. It may hurt and healing may not have been easy but this ending had to happen. Be grateful for the lessons learnt . Now you can pursue what truly makes you happy.
What you need to release is this energy of being a “victim” . Something has happened that was disappointing. For some, you feel betrayed but focus on yourself and not on the other person. Focus only on your healing and enjoy this new energy of independence. For some a relationship came to an end or a job . But enjoy being on your own for a while, in a job situation, focus on working independently and do what makes you happy. When you are happy, you attract more abundance towards you
23rd November 2023
Aries ♈️ leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
Your message is about owning your power. Being your most authentic self. Taking control of your life and being disciplined. You are asked to realise your potential and your self worth. This is because some of you are being blocked by your own fears. Your past experiences have caused a bit of a blockage and is preventing you from going all out. Don’t be so guarded. Embrace your blessings and be more trusting of yourself.
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️ A indecision is keeping you at a crossroads. You are not sure which way is the right way. If this has not happened it may happen in immediate future or for some , this has already occurred. You are asked to move forward, communicate, travel, do whatever it takes but don’t stay stuck. Open your eyes and you will see your true path. You are also asked to listen to your intuition because you already know the answer. If you can do this, a lot of happiness abundance or clarity is coming your way. So don’t worry about anything and make that choice
Aquarius ♒️ Libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
Some of you are a bit reserved with your energy, not sharing much, not being open or vulnerable, keeping things to yourself. For some others this is about money. You are holding on to your money tightly because you think you need to save or maybe you feel you are over spending. I see you have been through some challenges lately - emotional or financial. But keep fighting and don’t give up. You are also hurt from past disappointments in love or career and have been very guarded about who to trust and what to share with who. The Universe is going to give you a new beginning, a small push . This opportunity is a new beginning. Take it when it comes.
Pisces ♓️ Cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
You are in a very powerful manifestation period. You can manifest anything you want and you will see the results of it. I see you being a bit reclusive though. This has been your energy for some time now. I see you being more interested in spiritually and higher learning. Maybe you are joining a course or learning something new or considering it. You may also feel like you need more time for yourself and be alone. Your wishes are coming true so trust your path . I also see some of you healing from some physical or emotional pain.

15th November 2023 to 22nd November 2023
I’m taking a vacation for a week so won’t be posting any messages until next week . If I do get a chance I’ll try to post something but not sure I’ll get time. Posting a message for you which is a weekly message from tomorrow ie Wednesday upto next Wednesday
Aries ♈️ Leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️
You could be walking away from someone or maybe you already walked away. You are moving on slowly, taking it one day at a time. There is a acceptance in your energy and you are now focusing on your healing. You could be trying to get back control of your life but may feel a imbalance. This is because you are stressed and overthinking things which is normal under the circumstances. Try to heal and remember that healing takes time. Give yourself this time. Significant signs: Aries ♈️ Pisces ♓️ Scorpio ♏️ Sagittarius ♐️
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ Capricorn ♑️
There is some financial loss or a feeling of not having enough. You could also be withdrawn from your family and loved ones. You are in a shell , a bit isolated. If you are overspending you are trying to curtail your expenses. I see 2 new offers coming in. These are small offers but with this you are going towards calmer waters. I also see some conflicts or fights with your close relationships. You are asked to take it easy and focus on grounding yourself. There maybe some competition or fights at work, in which case you are asked to just work hard and focus only on your work. You are asked to come out of a mentality of lack . There is a need for you to work on your finances. Save more or don’t spend unnecessarily. New beginnings are coming. Significant signs: virgo ♍️ Aries ♈️
Aquarius ♒️ libra ♎️ Gemini ♊️
You are looking back at something from your past and feeling regret or like a missed opportunity. This is you overthinking and creating a energy of stagnation. You are advised to focus on the present. There is a celebration coming in for you. You may be unsure about what this means for you for the future but this celebration or offer or event is bringing stability. Someone could be apologising to you or making a offer. This is someone who broke your heart and you maybe unsure weather you should accept their apology or not. Your advice is to leave behind the past and move forward towards stability. Significant sign: Sagittarius ♐️ cancer ♋️
Pisces ♓️ cancer ♋️ Scorpio ♏️
You are advised to trust your divine guides this week. Trust the universe. Your luck is changing, times are changing so be patient. There have been some challenges especially with a Aries ♈️ leo ♌️ Sagittarius ♐️ but stay strong and keep fighting for what you believe in. I see this person being very immature but don’t get it get to you. You will get clarity soon and i see this situation getting resolved with a lot of love and patience. Significant signs: leo ♌️ Aries ♈️ taurus ♉️ cancer ♋️